How to Select an Independent Educational Evaluator (IEE)

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) are one of the powerful special education rights that parents have. If you need more information on “What is an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)” click here. Per district evaluation, you only get one IEE. Therefore, it is very important to select the right evaluator/assessor. Sometimes a District will provide a list of possible evaluators. You don’t have to select one of those evaluators and often you do not want to.

Here are some important factors when selecting an IEE evaluator:

Make sure the independent evaluator will do collateral interviews with other professionals and assessors.

Make sure the independent evaluator and you share the same philosophy and goals for your child.

Make sure the evaluator is willing to do thorough student observations. For students with social and behavioral challenges should observe in unstructured times as well as the classroom.

Make sure the independent evaluator has a full set of reports.

Makes sure the evaluator is willing to question and/or challenge other assessors’ testing and conclusions.

Finally, you want to look-up and read any hearing decisions that the assessor previously testified at the OAH Website:

Good IEEs can be very valuable in advocating for the needs of your child. It is important to select the right evaluator since you only get one free. Hopefully, this post will help you select the right one for your child’s IEE.

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